Straw Bale Album Part 2 Foundation
Part 2
Property DSC01205
The landscaping to run water left and right of the high corner
After clearing the cedar so that we have room around the house site and so the timber can begin to dry we spend many freezing winter nights_
Our rock quarry. This was where an old barn...
First wall on low corner.jpg Fall 2010
The last and south wall of the house! Almost done!
Competed.jpg.jpg.jpg.jpgbut the entrance can still let the old backhoe in with its from loader.jpg.jpg.jpgthe backhoe bucket in the back was now unusable
Homestead copy
Property IMG_1209
Looking at the front of the house.jpg.jpg.jpg.jpgpar of the front wall built and most of the 50 ft long north side wall
drainage run at the high corner to divert run off....
The first part of our wall..experimenting with rocks in it in various ways. The ground around was still very rough and uneven...
JAN 4 2012 (11)
Time to fire up the little band saw
Property IMG_1219
I built an free extension for the racks with fence posts as rails and ties
Property IMG_1217
Property IMG_1217
The floor somewhat leveled mostly by hand
The west back wall...note how the foundation is wider than a foot for either straw bale or log walls...we had not fully decided yet
Our little spring line run into a 50 gallon barrel which never failed all winter to provide water for the cement
The forms were poured in stages and had to be highest at the low corner where we started
The old pickup we bought.jpg.jpg.jpg.jpgate too much gas and had many problems.jpg It was a mistake
You can see how I got the backhoe front loader to dig an angled road to divert more run off on the south side of the house
I leave the front entrance open for the tractor to enter for a long time
My family worked hard on the foundation all fall and winter
We pull in a tree...I was not really sure what I was doing to be tall would I make the post..
Ready for posts and beams! March 2011
There were barely enough nice straight big cedars for the long beams I would need
So we stick up a big tree....hmm..sort of scary..with a chain on the bucket
My dear wife helped with the cement and offered me much moral support
Property DSC01205
The landscaping to run water left and right of the high corner
After clearing the cedar so that we have room around the house site and so the timber can begin to dry we spend many freezing winter nights_
Our rock quarry. This was where an old barn...
First wall on low corner.jpg Fall 2010
The last and south wall of the house! Almost done!
Competed.jpg.jpg.jpg.jpgbut the entrance can still let the old backhoe in with its from loader.jpg.jpg.jpgthe backhoe bucket in the back was now unusable
Homestead copy
Property IMG_1209
Looking at the front of the house.jpg.jpg.jpg.jpgpar of the front wall built and most of the 50 ft long north side wall
drainage run at the high corner to divert run off....
The first part of our wall..experimenting with rocks in it in various ways. The ground around was still very rough and uneven...
JAN 4 2012 (11)
Time to fire up the little band saw
Property IMG_1219
I built an free extension for the racks with fence posts as rails and ties